Results for 'Patrick Edmund Cavanagh'

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  1.  72
    The cognitive impenetrability of cognition.Patrick Cavanagh - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):370-371.
    Cognitive impenetrability is really two assertions: (1) perception and cognition have access to different knowledge bases; and (2) perception does not use cognitive-style processes. The first leads to the unusual corollary that cognition is itself cognitively impenetrable. The second fails when it is seen to be the claim that reasoning is available only in conscious processing.
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    Relation between the immediate memory span and the memory search rate.J. Patrick Cavanagh - 1972 - Psychological Review 79 (6):525-530.
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    Locus of rotation effects in recognition.Patrick Cavanagh - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (2):101-104.
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    What Does the n-Back Task Measure as We Get Older? Relations Between Working-Memory Measures and Other Cognitive Functions Across the Lifespan.Patrick D. Gajewski, Eva Hanisch, Michael Falkenstein, Sven Thönes & Edmund Wascher - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    What's up in top-down processing.Patrick Cavanagh - 1991 - In Andrei Gorea (ed.), Representations of Vision: Trends and Tacit Assumptions in Vision Research. Cambridge University Press. pp. 295--304.
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    The attentional requirements of consciousness.Michael A. Cohen, Patrick Cavanagh, Marvin M. Chun & Ken Nakayama - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (8):411-417.
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    Multidomain Cognitive Training Transfers to Attentional and Executive Functions in Healthy Older Adults.Patrick D. Gajewski, Sven Thönes, Michael Falkenstein, Edmund Wascher & Stephan Getzmann - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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  8. The influence of cast shadows on visual search.Ronald A. Rensink & Patrick Cavanagh - 2004 - Perception 33:1339-1358.
    We show that cast shadows can have a significant influence on the speed of visual search. In particular, we find that search based on the shape of a region is affected when the region is darker than the background and corresponds to a shadow formed by lighting from above. Results support the proposal that an early-level system rapidly identifies regions as shadows and then discounts them, making their shapes more difficult to access. Several constraints used by this system are mapped (...)
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    Response to Tsuchiya et al.: considering endogenous and exogenous attention.Michael A. Cohen, Patrick Cavanagh, Marvin M. Chun & Ken Nakayama - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (11):528.
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    Chinese and Americans see opposite apparent motions in a Chinese character.Peter Ulric Tse & Patrick Cavanagh - 2000 - Cognition 74 (3):B27-B32.
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    Independent, synchronous access to color and motion features.Patrick Cavanagh Alex O. Holcombe - 2008 - Cognition 107 (2):552.
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    Recovery of 3D volume from 2-tone images of novel objects.Cassandra Moore & Patrick Cavanagh - 1998 - Cognition 67 (1-2):45-71.
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    Dynamic Attention.Lorella Battelli, Patrick Cavanagh & Alex Holcombe - 2014 - In Anna C. Nobre & Sabine Kastner (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Attention. Oxford University Press.
    The authors review how attention helps track and process dynamic events, selecting and integrating information across time and space to produce a continuing identity for a moving, changing target. Rather than a fixed ‘spotlight’ that helps identify a static target, attention needs a mobile window or ‘pointer’ to track a moving target, picking up pieces of evidence along the way to determine not just what the target is, but what it is doing. Behavioural studies show that this dynamic version of (...)
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  14. Flexible cognitive resources: competitive content maps for attention and memory.Steven L. Franconeri, George A. Alvarez & Patrick Cavanagh - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (3):134-141.
  15. The 'when' pathway of the right parietal lobe.Patrick Cavanagh Lorella Battelli, Alvaro Pascual-Leone - 2007 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11 (5):204.
  16.  20
    Decoding the Temporal Dynamics of Covert Spatial Attention Using Multivariate EEG Analysis: Contributions of Raw Amplitude and Alpha Power.Andrea Desantis, Adrien Chan-Hon-Tong, Thérèse Collins, Hinze Hogendoorn & Patrick Cavanagh - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:570419.
    Attention can be oriented in space covertly without the need of eye movements. We used multivariate pattern classification analyses (MVPA) to investigate whether the time course of the deployment of covert spatial attention leading up to the observer’s perceptual decision can be decoded from both EEG alpha power and raw activity traces. Decoding attention from these signals can help determine whether raw EEG signals and alpha power reflect the same or distinct features of attentional selection. Using a classical cueing task, (...)
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  17.  24
    Nuclear Weapons and the Future of Humanity: The Fundamental Questions.John P. Holdren, Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne Ehrlich, Gary Stahl, Berel Lang, Richard H. Popkin, Joseph Margolis, Patrick Morgan, John Hare, Russell Hardin, Richard A. Watson, Gregory S. Kavka, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Sidney Axinn, Terry Nardin, Douglas P. Lackey, Jefferson McMahan, Edmund Pellegrino, Stephen Toulmin, Dietrich Fischer, Edward F. McClennen, Louis Rene Beres, Arne Naess, Richard Falk & Milton Fisk - 1986 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The excellent quality and depth of the various essays make [the book] an invaluable resource....It is likely to become essential reading in its field.—CHOICE.
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  18. World Christianity encounters world religions: A summa of interfaith dialogue [Book Review].Patrick McInerney - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (1):124.
    McInerney, Patrick Review of: World Christianity encounters world religions: A summa of interfaith dialogue, by Edmund Kee-Fook Chia, pp. 272, US$29.95.
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    Edmund Campion: A Scholarly Life. By Gerard Kilroy. Pp. xxi, 458, Farnham/Burlington, Ashgate, 2015, £80.00. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (2):446-447.
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  20.  33
    Parliamentary rhetoric, enlightenment and the politics of secrecy: the printers’ crisis of March 1771.Patrick Bullard - 2005 - History of European Ideas 31 (2):313-325.
    The 1770s witnessed an attempt by Parliament to control how it was represented in the press: questions of parliamentary reporting and parliamentary privilege quickly became a national political crisis. Key political figures such as Edmund Burke, John Wilkes, George Onslow and the Marquis of Rockingham were involved with printers and booksellers such as John Almon, Robert Wheble and Henry Woodfall. The British Enlightenment was effectively interrupted, and its fault lines highlighted, as politicians clashed with the book trade—and with newspaper (...)
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  21.  6
    Edmund Husserl, Normativité et déconstruction. Digression dans les Leçons sur l’éthique de 1920, trad. Marie-Hélène Desmeules et Julien Farges, Paris, Vrin, coll. « Bibliothèque des textes philosophiques », 202 p., 12 euro. [REVIEW]Patrick Cerutti - 2021 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 4:556-557.
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    Patrick Hofmann: Phänomen und Beschreibung. Zu Edmund Husserls Logischen Untersuchungen.Rochus Sowa - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67:375-380.
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    Approaching God: Between Phenomenology and Theology by Patrick Masterson.Jeremiah Hackett - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (1):156-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Approaching God: Between Phenomenology and Theology by Patrick MastersonJeremiah HackettApproaching God: Between Phenomenology and Theology. By Patrick Masterson. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. Pp. 204. $27.00 (paper). ISBN: 978-1-62356-308-0.The title of this book contains, as its author notes, an ambiguity: “Does it envisage us approaching God or God approaching us?” (1). The introduction and indeed the whole book examine three discourses in which language about God (...)
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    Epistemic Rationality and Epistemic Normativity.Patrick Bondy - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    The aim of this book is to answer two important questions about the issue of normativity in epistemology: Why are epistemic reasons evidential, and what makes epistemic reasons and rationality normative? Bondy's argument proceeds on the assumption that epistemic rationality goes hand in hand with basing beliefs on good evidence. The opening chapters defend a mental-state ontology of reasons, a deflationary account of how kinds of reasons are distinguished, and a deliberative guidance constraint on normative reasons. They also argue in (...)
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  25. Addiction, compulsion, and weakness of the will: A dual process perspective.Edmund Henden - 2016 - In Nick Heather & Gabriel Segal (eds.), Addiction and Choice: Rethinking the Relationship. Oxford University Press. pp. 116-132.
    How should addictive behavior be explained? In terms of neurobiological illness and compulsion, or as a choice made freely, even rationally, in the face of harmful social or psychological circumstances? Some of the disagreement between proponents of the prevailing medical models and choice models in the science of addiction centres on the notion of “loss of control” as a normative characterization of addiction. In this article I examine two of the standard interpretations of loss of control in addiction, one according (...)
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    Conjugal Union, What Marriage Is and Why It Matters.Patrick Lee & Robert P. George - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book defends the conjugal view of marriage. Patrick Lee and Robert P. George argue that marriage is a distinctive type of community: the union of a man and a woman who have committed to sharing their lives on every level of their beings (bodily, emotionally, and spiritually) in the kind of union that would be fulfilled by conceiving and rearing children together. The comprehensive nature of this union, and its intrinsic orientation to procreation as its natural fulfillment, distinguishes (...)
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    Emotion Explained.Edmund T. Rolls - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    What produces emotions? Why do we have emotions? How do we have emotions? Why do emotional states feel like something? This book considers these questions, going beyond examining brain mechanisms of emotion, by proposing a theory of what emotions are, and an evolutionary, Darwinian, theory of the adaptive value of emotion.
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    Organisational ethics.Patrick Schuchter, Thomas Krobath, Andreas Heller & Thomas Schmidt - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (2):243-256.
    Definition of the problemOrganisations play a vital role in modern societies. This article presumes a lack of sufficient organisational reflection of well-established forms of ethics and ethics counselling in institutions belonging to the health sector or sees particular challenges where it is implemented.ArgumentsWe have therefore conceived a procedural type of organisational ethics which critically examines the organisational fit of processes in terms of ethical reflection, leading to practicable suggestions.ConclusionsOn the one hand they relate to where differences are established when asking (...)
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  29. The Semantic Error Problem for Epistemic Contextualism.Patrick Michael Greenough & Dirk Kindermann - 2017 - In Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Contextualism. New York: Routledge. pp. 305--320.
    Epistemic Contextualism is the view that “knows that” is semantically context-sensitive and that properly accommodating this fact into our philosophical theory promises to solve various puzzles concerning knowledge. Yet Epistemic Contextualism faces a big—some would say fatal—problem: The Semantic Error Problem. In its prominent form, this runs thus: speakers just don’t seem to recognise that “knows that” is context-sensitive; so, if “knows that” really is context-sensitive then such speakers are systematically in error about what is said by, or how to (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Nietzsche on Human Greatness.Patrick Hassan - 2016 - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-18.
    In this paper, I take it to be uncontroversial that increasingly into his philosophical career, Nietzsche believed human greatness to be an appropriately valuable goal, at least for certain types of people. But while Nietzsche's repeated paradigms of greatness include figures as seemingly diverse as Beethoven, Goethe, Shakespeare, Cesare Borgia, Julius Caesar, it is unclear precisely what great-making property (or properties) Nietzsche considers these figures to share. I consider two possible approaches which have shaped the terrain of the secondary literature (...)
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  31. What is Creative Thinking?CATHARINE PATRICK - 1955
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  32.  14
    General introduction to a pure phenomenology.Edmund Husserl - 1982 - Hingham, MA, USA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston.
    the Logische Untersuchungen,l phenomenology has been conceived as a substratum of empirical psychology, as a sphere comprising "imma nental" descriptions of psychical mental processes, a sphere compris ing descriptions that - so the immanence in question is understood - are strictly confined within the bounds of internal experience. It 2 would seem that my protest against this conception has been oflittle avail; and the added explanations, which sharply pinpointed at least some chief points of difference, either have not been understood (...)
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  33.  53
    What is the Human Being?Patrick R. Frierson - 2013 - Routledge.
    Philosophers, anthropologists and biologists have long puzzled over the question of human nature. It is also a question that Kant thought about deeply and returned to in many of his writings. In this lucid and wide-ranging introduction to Kant’s philosophy of human nature - which is essential for understanding his thought as a whole - Patrick R. Frierson assesses Kant’s theories and examines his critics. He begins by explaining how Kant articulates three ways of addressing the question ‘what is (...)
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  34. Neutralism and the Observational Sorites Paradox.Patrick Greenough - manuscript
    Neutralism is the broad view that philosophical progress can take place when (and sometimes only when) a thoroughly neutral, non-specific theory, treatment, or methodology is adopted. The broad goal here is to articulate a distinct, specific kind of sorites paradox (The Observational Sorites Paradox) and show that it can be effectively treated via Neutralism.
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    Ecological Ethics.Patrick Curry - 2011 - Polity.
    In this thoroughly revised and updated second edition of the highly successful _Ecological Ethics_, Patrick Curry shows that a new and truly ecological ethic is both possible and urgently needed. With this distinctive proposition in mind, Curry introduces and discusses all the major concepts needed to understand the full range of ecological ethics. He discusses light green or anthropocentric ethics with the examples of stewardship, lifeboat ethics, and social ecology; the mid-green or intermediate ethics of animal liberation/rights; and dark (...)
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    (1 other version)Distributive Justice for Aggressors.Patrick Tomlin - 2020 - Law and Philosophy 39 (4):351-379.
    The individualist nature of much contemporary just war theory means that we often discuss cases with single attackers. But even if war is best understood in this individualist way, in war combatants often have to make decisions about how to distribute harms among a plurality of aggressors: they must decide whom and how many to harm, and how much to harm them. In this paper, I look at simultaneous multiple aggressor cases in which more than one distribution of harm among (...)
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    Instability and Uncertainty Are Critical for Psychotherapy: How the Therapeutic Alliance Opens Us Up.Patrick Connolly - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Tschacher and Haken have recently applied a systems-based approach to modeling psychotherapy process in terms of potentially beneficial tendencies toward deterministic as well as chaotic forms of change in the client’s behavioral, cognitive and affective experience during the course of therapy. A chaotic change process refers to a greater exploration of the states that a client can be in, and it may have a potential positive role to play in their development. A distinction is made between on the one hand, (...)
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  38. Approaches to Natural Language.Patrick Suppes, Julius Moravcsik & Jaakko Hintikka (eds.) - 1973 - Dordrecht.
  39.  20
    Introduction to the Logical investigations: a draft of a preface to the Logical investigations (1913).Edmund Husserl - 1975 - The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. Edited by Edmund Husserl.
    TO THE LOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS A DRAFT OF A PREFACE TO THE LOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS ( 1913) Edited by EUGEN FINK Translated with Introductions by PHILIP J. BOSSERT and CURTIS H. PETERS • MARTINUS NIJHOFF THE HAGUE 1975 © I975 by Martinus Nijhoff. The Hague. Netherlands All rights reserved. including the right to translate or to reproduce this book or parts thereof in any form ISBN-I3: 978-90-247-1711-8 e-ISBN-I3: 978-94-010-1655-1 DOl: 10. 1007/978-94-010-1655-1 TO HERBERT SPIEGELBERG ESTEEMED SCHOLAR, MENTOR, FRIEND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like (...)
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  40. L'origine de la géométrie.Edmund Husserl & Jacques Derrida - 1965 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 70 (1):122-123.
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  41. Garden of Earthly Delights.Edmund Keeley - forthcoming - Arion 7 (1).
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    A Neurotic Dog’s Life: Experimental Psychiatry and the Conditional Reflex Method in the Work of W. Horsley Gantt.Edmund Ramsden - 2018 - Isis 109 (2):276-301.
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  43. Popper's Analysis of Probability in Quantum Mechanics.Patrick Suppes - 1974 - In P. A. Schlipp (ed.), The Philosophy of Karl Popper (Book Ii). Open Court. pp. 760-774.
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  44.  24
    Hidden in Plain Sight: The Moral Imperatives of Hippocrates’ First Aphorism.Patrick James Fiddes & Paul A. Komesaroff - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (2):205-220.
    This historiographic survey of extant English translations and interpretations of the renowned Hippocratic first aphorism has demonstrated a concerning acceptance and application of ancient deontological principles that have been used to justify a practice of medicine that has been both paternalistic and heteronomous. Such principles reflect an enduring Hippocratism that has perpetuated an insufficient appreciation of the moral nature of the aphorism’s second sentence in the practice of the art of medicine. That oversight has been constrained by a philological discourse (...)
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    Unfaithful transmitters.Patrick Olivelle - 1998 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 26 (2):173-187.
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  46.  19
    : Robert Paul and the Origins of British Cinema.Patrick Ellis - 2024 - Isis 115 (2):429-430.
  47.  17
    Making Historicity: Paleontology and the Proximity of the Past in Germany, 1775–1825.Patrick Anthony - 2021 - Journal of the History of Ideas 82 (2):231-256.
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  48.  20
    New Foundations of Objective Probability: Axioms for Propensities.Patrick Suppes - 1973 - Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 74:515-529.
  49.  9
    Information Structure and Discourse Particles.Patrick G. Grosz - 2016 - In Caroline Féry & Shinichiro Ishihara (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure. Oxford University Press UK.
    Focusing on German as its object language, this chapter explores the interactions between discourse particles and information structure. The first half of the chapter explores the traditional idea that discourse particles form a watershed between thematic and rhematic information. Concerning the ‘theme’, it is argued that unstressed elements to the left of discourse particles must be aboutness topics. Concerning the ‘rheme’, it is shown that the focus exponent generally has to follow discourse particles. The second half of the chapter discusses (...)
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  50. Natality in Hannah Arendt: Key Concepts.Patrick Hayden & Karin Fry - 2014 - Acumen Press.
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